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About Us

Summer 2020 and things are GREAT. The Left is spending their time trying just to survive through a “pandemic” while we are all out enjoying our lives and laughing. The world is quiet. The border is becoming more and more secure. The economy is showing signs of coming back strong. Our president has proven himself to be one of the best that the country has seen. Donald Trump represented the thoughts and feelings of SO MANY OF US. That was seen through never ending boat parades, car parades, stickers, flags and yard signage like never seen before in political history. There was truly something special going on in the USA. For conservatives, life was great for the first time in along time. The swamp was being drained. (so we thought)

After attending a 9pm Trump rally on Nov 2, I headed home feeling confident. The energy level and enthusiasm was amazing.

Nov 3. Election day and our president was rolling to victory. and then…….Wait WHAT? stopping the count in 5 states? Changing local election policies? counting ballots for a week after?  THOSE SOB’s are stealing this election.
We all recall that feeling as we were watching it happen.  I remember repeating the word stolen stolen stolen.  Then I came up with an idea.  Realizing that nothing was probably going to be done to right this wrong, we may as well have a some fun poking at the truth and hopefully making some liberals squirm.
The ultimate purpose is to keep up the fight and as mentioned above, have some fun too.   While doing so, donating portions of proceeds to charitable organizations that support our country and are doing so for the good. We are seeking organizations to donate to currently. If you know of any we can look at, email
Please check back to see some updated donation totals as we continue to grow.


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